Psalm 18:32-33
32 The God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. 33 He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights.
Psalm 18 is David’s song of praise for God delivering him from the hand of King Saul. David’s military gifting and prowess had outwitted Saul, but David is quick to give all glory and honor to the Lord for delivering him from the hands of his enemies. David recognized that God had equipped him with every gift needed to be victorious over Saul. He understood that the victory belonged to the Lord, and he was merely the benefactor of God’s goodness.
It was God who anointed David to be the next King. It was God who gifted him with the skills necessary to achieve greatness. It was God who placed his feet securely on the rock!
True greatness can only be achieved when humility takes center stage. Humility recognizes that without God nothing would be accomplished. God’s greatness should always be elevated above any personal accomplishment. Think about that the next time you have a victorious moment in life. Perhaps your business is doing well, you received a great grade in school, or you received a promotion at work.
God equipped you for all of it. Give God the glory!
Make no mistake, every good thing you have comes from the Lord. Don’t ever forget that. He gives you strength, wisdom, knowledge, and power to face each day. He has established the high places and then placed your feet upon them.
What else can we do but simply praise His name? True greatness recognizes God's Greatness!
Heavenly Father, all that I have and all that I am is because of You. What else can I say but thank you, Jesus. Amen
Josh Huisman is the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN.
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