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About Josh Huisman


My name is Josh Huisman and I am the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.


I have been in full-time pastoral ministry for 20 years. In the summer of 2003 my wife and I were living in Franklin, KY. We were expecting our first child and found ourselves wondering what we were going to do with our lives. It was evident to both of us that God had not yet called us to our "life's work." So we took a stroll around our neighborhood and had a long talk about the future. We prayed and asked God to give us clear direction because we didn't really know what to do. The "call" literally came the next day.


My home church in Illinois was looking for a youth pastor, and God had put it on the heart of the pastor to give me a call. The timing was undeniable and so we took a leap of faith.


I spent 3 years serving as a youth pastor in South Holland, IL, and then took a call to youth ministry for New Hope in the Fall of 2006. After several years in youth ministry I was promoted to the Lead Pastor position of the church and have been serving in that capacity to the present day.


I love reading God's Word and teaching the truth of Jesus to a lost and dying world. I also love having conversations with other people who are serving the Lord in ministry, which I why I started The Josh Huisman Podcast.. It gives me an excuse to reach out to people I can learn from.


In my "spare" time I play the guitar and write songs. Some of them are available on this website! You can visit New Hope's website to watch weekly messages from me, and you can find all of my music on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you stream your music. 


I currently live in the Nashville area with my wife, Sarah, and our four children. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and learn more about me. If you've gotten this far would you promise to pray for me? I promise to pray for you. 


Josh Huisman





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