Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

You are what you eat is an oft-repeated phrase that carries more truth than we realize. Not only does it apply physically, but also spiritually. We know what it feels like to wake up each morning and crave a specific item for breakfast, or to look forward to a nice cup of coffee. In the afternoon we may have a sugar craving that causes us to reach for a cookie. Some of us crash around 2:00 PM and all we can think about is taking a nap.
These things happen because at some point we made them a part of our routine. Not only have we done them before, but we've done them with such consistency that our mind and bodies consider them a daily necessity to function properly, whether healthy or unhealthy.
Cravings don't magically appear, they are created and built over time through daily habits. The things that I look forward to doing and consuming are the result of what I have trained my mind and body to expect each day, usually around the same time.
If I have trained myself to consume donuts for breakfast, french fries at lunch, and cookies for a snack, and then reward myself with an afternoon nap, that's very unhealthy. (Been there, done that. Don't judge me!) But with this type of habit one could say that I was "cursed."
On the other hand, if I train myself over time to change those habits by making healthier choices for nutrition, eating less, and skipping my normal nap time in favor of exercise, I would be erasing "cursed" habits in favor of "blessed" ones.
At first, all training is difficult. We are asking our minds to break a pattern of comfort that has been formed over time. But if we stick with a new daily pattern and push through the discomfort, a new healthy habit is formed and the old passes away. (it took me about 6 weeks.)
That's the physical, so let's apply this to spiritual.
I've heard some people say, "I don't like to read." Or, "I struggle to pray because I don't know what to say." The result is they don't read the Bible and they don't have a thriving relationship with God.
This is unhealthy. Spiritually, it's a curse!
Wouldn't you rather be blessed? Then you need to retrain your spirit! It won't be easy at first, but it will be greatly rewarding.
Jesus said "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness." In Scripture, righteousness is the holy standard that God has instituted for the believer. Followers of Christ are to live morally and upright in the eyes of the Lord. Don't let this initimidate you. You will never be perfect this side of heaven, but you can begin building healthy spiritual habits through daily time in God's Word, prayer, and reflection. And as we have already learned, daily habits over time create daily CRAVINGS!
It may feel difficult and awkward at first, but with each passing day your mind and body will adjust to the "new normal" you are feeding it! (and the old desires will pass away.)
Like ALL healthy decisions, blessings are revealed in implementing new daily routines that make you crave God's Word, long for conversations with Him, and create a hunger and thirst for God. WHAT A BLESSING! Do you want to be blessed? Create the Craving and pursue God each day!
On my podcast this I had a conversation with Joni Rosebrock. She has a new book and program called WRAP Yourself in the Word. If you're looking for a new way to Write. Read. Apply. and Pray through Scripture. Give this episode a listen and visit Joni's website.
Click the picture to watch the episode on YouTube.

Josh Huisman is the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN.
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