Psalm 12:3-4
3 May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that makes great boasts, 4 those who say, “With our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is master over us?”
Social media! A home for online warriors to share opinions and thoughts from the safety of their own smart devices. Pictures, posts, and comment sections are full of people who present their lives through a lens filter that distorts the truth.
There is little to no accountability in what is posted online these days, and too many people view themselves as “online gods” with self-appointed authority to distribute personal opinions disguised as facts. Whether the information is true or not doesn’t even matter anymore. What matters is influence, clicks, and likes. The more views, comments, and reactions...the better.
Do you let these online people (whom you will never meet) steal your joy? Perhaps it's time to disconnect from things that raise your blood pressure and connect to the Lord in your Bible reading and prayer.
Disconnect to Connect.
Psalm 12 reveals that this problem is nothing new, even though the "platform" has changed. The internet has taken an age-old problem and provided a highway for the problem to grow.
But make no mistake, God is still the one who promises to bring justice and an end to the poison that springs from the lips of those who cause division and dissent.
My friends, we cannot control what other people say or what they post online, but we can control what WE say and post! And how much time we dedicate to being online.
Be the change you want to see in other people and let God be the one to silence those who are proud, boastful, and whose heart is intent on giving a voice to evil.
What I have learned from this heartfelt prayer of David in Psalm 12 is that it is okay to pray for God to silence people. A boastful tongue that speaks against the Lord will soon find an inability to speak at all.
Father, Your Word tells us time and again that the power of life and death is in the tongue. Teach us to guard our mouths and not fall into the trap of pride, division, and lies that our tongues can cause. Help us to Log Out of that bahavior . Amen

Josh Huisman is the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN.
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