James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Every time I am in a counseling session or am having an important conversation with someone, I begin praying for guidance from the Lord. I ask the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and understanding that can only come from Him. Before I ever utter a word of response I wait for God to reveal a clear path in my heart and mind so that I am not speaking from my flesh but from the direction of the Holy Spirit. This does a couple of things.
It makes me slow to speak and quick to pray.
It clears my mind and enables me to focus on God and His direction.
It lifts the burden of pressure to respond correctly off my shoulders and places it at the feet of Jesus.
This is what I believe James 1:5 tells us to do when it says to ask for wisdom and God will give it "liberally and without reproach." Is there any better place to seek wisdom than at the feet of Jesus? I think that's the place we would hear him most clearly.
In the future, I would encourage you to make more of an effort to slow down your fleshly response time in conversations with people. Instead, seek the wisdom of Jesus in quiet prayer before you open your mouth to speak.
Being slow to speak and quick to pray will never let you down.

Josh Huisman is the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN.
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